James Randall Musings on software development, business and technology.
Sprite Packer

You can download the app from the App Store or view the “official” SprEd store linked page here.

Sprite Picker is a simple, free and easy to use texture and sprite packer for the Mac. It will pack your source images into a single image and create a JSON file containing the offsets of the image in absolute co-ordinates and as texture co-ordinates making it ideal for use with Metal apps. I put it together fairly quickly to get icons into my MetalUI project for my starship tactics game.

You can download the desktop app from the App Store or install the command line version from GitHub:


Its OSS and you can also grab the source on GitHub. MIT License so I can’t stop you but all I ask is that you don’t upload other versions to the App Store as that would be a bit shit. If you want to add something submit a PR.

The CLI is self describing, after installing run:

sprite-packer --help