You can download the editor from the App Store or view the “official” SprEd store linked page here.
I should say up front that SprEd is not an open source project, rather its available on the App Store for the cost of a couple of coffees. And please don’t email me asking me to make it open source (I might at some point but its not going to be because people want a free sprite editor).
I wrote it because I was using AESprite on my Mac and a different (I forget which now) editor on my iPad. I wanted to work seamlessly across my devices via iCloud and I also had an itch to learn Swift and SwiftUI as I’d not done any native iOS development for some time.
The result was SprEd which I actively use myself.
I’ve got plans at the back of my head to expand it out to also include a level editor and that’s likely to happen if and when I remake an old tile based game.
In any case as there’s a dedicated page on the site I won’t ramble on about it here but wanted to include it for completeness as a recent project.
Oh and it turns out I really enjoyed working with Swift and SwiftUI - I might write a series of posts about it at some point. Pop it on the backlog!